Head-to-Knee Forward Bends, Janu Sirsasana, is a great pose for everyone as even if you can’t fully complete it at first, it can be worked on while giving the same amount of benefit. It stretches practically the entire body, starting from the neck, ending at the muscles of the shin. It increases the stability of the spine and the lower back, improving its flexibility and preventing stiffness. It relieves the anxiety symptoms as well as induces the feeling of inner harmony and balance.
Sanskrit: Janu Sirsasana
Type: Seated
Level: Intermediate
- To do a Head to Knee Forward Bend, sit on the floor in Staff pose and place the left foot on the inner thigh.
- Twist the torso slightly over the straight leg, using arms to help.
- Next, inhale the arms over head and reach them over the straight leg allowing the torso to follow, let the head fall last.
- Slowly come out of the stretch and switch sides.
Calories Burned in 15 minutes

Weight 100lb:56
Weight 120lb:67
Weight 125lb:70
Weight 150lb:84
Weight 175lb:98
Weight 200lb:112
Weight 250lb:140
Weight 300lb:168
Calories Burned in 40 minutes

Weight 100lb:149
Weight 120lb:179
Weight 125lb:187
Weight 150lb:224
Weight 175lb:261
Weight 200lb:298
Weight 250lb:373
Weight 300lb:448
Calories Burned in 45 minutes

Weight 100lb:168
Weight 120lb:201
Weight 125lb:210
Weight 150lb:252
Weight 175lb:294
Weight 200lb:336
Weight 250lb:420
Weight 300lb:504
Calories Burned in 1 hour 15 mins

Weight 100lb:280
Weight 120lb:336
Weight 125lb:350
Weight 150lb:420
Weight 175lb:490
Weight 200lb:560
Weight 250lb:700
Weight 300lb:839
Calories Burned in 1 hour 30 mins

Weight 100lb:336
Weight 120lb:403
Weight 125lb:420
Weight 150lb:504
Weight 175lb:588
Weight 200lb:672
Weight 250lb:839
Weight 300lb:1007
Calories Burned in 2 hours

Weight 100lb:448
Weight 120lb:537
Weight 125lb:560
Weight 150lb:672
Weight 175lb:783
Weight 200lb:895
Weight 250lb:1119
Weight 300lb:1343