Yoga to Lose Belly Fat

To lose 1lb a week, on an average day you should burn around 500 calories more than you eat. You cannot target specific areas, eg belly fat. You can tone muscle but fat/weight loss means overall Continue Reading →

Yoga to Reduce Belly Fat

To lose 1lb a week, on an average day you should burn around 500 calories more than you eat. You cannot target specific areas, eg belly fat. You can tone muscle but fat/weight loss means overall Continue Reading →

Yoga to Reduce Belly Fat in 1 Week

To try and lose a large amount of belly fat in 1 week is not really possible. A realistic amount would be perhaps 2 lb. To lose that, and remember we want to burn fat not lose muscle and water, you Continue Reading →

Yoga for Belly Fat

To lose 1lb a week, on an average day you should burn around 500 calories more than you eat. You cannot target specific areas, eg belly fat. You can tone muscle but fat/weight loss means overall Continue Reading →