Is Rice Good for Weight Loss?

The bottom line is ‘No, not really,’ – HOWEVER:

Rice would not be my first choice for weight loss.  If you are on a low carb diet or a keto diet then it’s not a sensible option.

On a low-calorie diet or a low-fat diet then you at least don’t have to count carbs but you still need to count calories.

So the bottom line is we can all eat rice but the amount will vary depending on the diet you have chosen. Sure you can justify a good portion if you really must and reduce calories elsewhere but better to reduce the calories.

  1. Not all rice is equal but on the whole the difference in calories between brown rice and white rice, for example, is minimal compared to how you cook it.
  2. Research shows that eating rice cold, for example, with a salad, means we are likely eat less.
  3. Wash the rice before you cook it to remove starch.
  4. ALSO wash it in boiling water AFTER cooking. This is the method I use when freezing cooked rice to use in small batches with a rice/veg salad bowl but it also stops rice being ‘sticky’.  You might want to add extra salt/flavour if washing!
  5. The proportion of healthy vegetables to rice depends on the diet,  All rice eaten should be in moderation if you are looking for weight loss!
  6. Keto and low carb diets will be at least 50% veg and eaten by the tablespoon, knowing the number of carbs included  If you eat more than you meant to then make a point to burn those extra calories/calories off.

Is Rice Food for Losing Weight?

Rice with Vegetables: 

You can add most veg (not potatoes) and beans in all shapes and sizes but the easiest is to have the same size eg chop carrots or pepper to match the size of peas and sweetcorn.

If boiling or steaming veg, eg carrots, remember to start with the veg that needs the longest time adding other eg according to cooking time, for example sweetcorn will be last.

For those on a keto diet where fat and oil is welcomed, a great idea is onions slices fried crispy, maybe mushrooms, cooked in a mix of butter and oil.

Add all ingredients when cold and serve with salad or a protein source.

Recipes containing Rice

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