How Much Carbs in Watermelon

Is Watermelon Keto? Watermelon is 100% keto-friendly – yes it has sugar and carbs – but it is mostly water and it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ watermelon on any diet. Watermelon also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Watermelon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Watermelon Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Tomatoes

Where would we be without our beloved tomatoes, the second most widely eaten vegetable (or fruit if you prefer) in the United States, second only to potatoes. Good for pretty much all diets, used for everything from stews to salads, Tomatoes may just be the most versatile of all fruit/vegetables. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Tomatoes’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Tomatoes Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in a Slice of Bread

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in a 1 Slice of Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1 Slice Bread Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Quinoa

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Quinoa’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Quinoa Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Peanut Butter

Is peanut butter good for weight loss? Peanut butter can be included in a healthy diet. However peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so unless you are on a keto diet, eat it only in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Peanut Butter’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Peanut Butter Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Pasta

Can you have Pasta on keto? Absolutely NOT – whilst many articles manage to find some good in pasta, it frankly is best avoided. Any nutritional value can be found elsewhere in your diet. Healthy Pasta? Way too many starchy carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Pasta’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Pasta Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Oatmeal

Oatmeal- a great fiber and energy source. People often search for ‘Oatmeal is a carb?’. The answer is yes, almost totally carbs and if you are on a keto diet (or low carb) then you simply can’t eat Oatmeal! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Oatmeal’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Oatmeal Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Mushrooms

Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Mushrooms’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Mushrooms Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Eggs

Eggs are highly nutritious and high in protein. If you want to lose weight, eat Eggs as part of a healthy breakfast with fruits or vegetables. Egg yolks are a source of Vitamin D, which plays a role in bone health and immunity. Opt for Eggs as a well balanced food with much to offer for weight loss. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Eggs’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Eggs Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Corn

Is Corn Bad for You? Corn (sweetcorn) is high in carbs and sugars and often has added sugar if canned, frozen or prepacked. Most Corn is nutritious and full of fibre but for a keto diet the carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Corn can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Corn’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Corn Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Chicken

Is Chicken Good for Weight Loss? Chicken is low in calories and high in protein, with hardly any carbs or fat (skin is fatty though!) so it’s great for weight loss. Chicken is a good choice for those on a diet as it has the least fat of the popular meats. However fat content in Chicken can be very variable and those calories have to be estimated for weight loss.  Eat Chicken in preference to fattier meats. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Chicken’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Chicken Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Cheese

Can I have Cheese on Keto? Cheese is something I find hard to reduce on a diet, even for a healthy diet rather than weight loss.  I find low carb or low fat cheeses defeat the objective in that the taste is different. A great way to keep the taste of your Cheese is to increase the volume up to double by adding lemon juice or greek yogurt to eat as a sandwich filler or dip Then share! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Cheese’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Cheese Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Carrots

Are Salads Keto? Most salad items are keto-friendly. Mostly water,it’s hard to actually eat ‘too much’ salad on any diet. Carrots have much to offer on all diets but watch those salad dressings and if low-carb, watch carrots and sweetcorn. Carrots have an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Carrots’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Carrots Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Broccoli

Health Benefits of Broccoli Broccoli is another superfood, low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can help prevent the development of various conditions. Research has suggested that eating broccoli may help people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Broccoli’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Broccoli Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Bread

Is Bread Bad for You? Bread is high in carbs and sugars, low in micronutrients and the gluten often causes digestive problems. Most Breads are enriched with extra nutrients but for weight loss the calories and carbs outweigh the  health benefits. In moderation, Breads can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Bread’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bread Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Beer

Can you have Beer on keto? Absolutely NOT – you need to choose spirits really. The higher the proof the less sugar and carbs. Spirits have almost none and don’t affect ketosis for most people. Beer has just too much sugar and carbs! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Beer’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beer Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Beans

Beans are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamin B, and of course, a valuable source of protein with almost no fat. Beans are good for reducing cholesterol. decreasing blood sugar, regulating blood pressure and aiding digestive problems Beans carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Beans in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Beans’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Beans Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in a Banana

Bananas are a good source of potassium which can help bring down high blood pressure. Banana and citrus fruits are fine for weight loss in moderation although not on a keto diet or low-carb deal due to the high natural sugar content. Eat max one small banana or plantain a day as part of a healthy diet but NOT on a low carb diet. Berries are lower in carbs than Bananas. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in a 1 Banana’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with 1 Banana Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Bacon

Sausages and Bacon on a Diet? On the whole processed meats are best avoided. To some degree there will be a carb and/or fat overload and Bacon may not be the best choice dedending on your diet type. Bacon fat and carb content can be variable and those calories need counting for weight loss.  Eat Bacon in moderation. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Bacon’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Bacon Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Avocado

Avocados are a great source of potassium which helps regulate nerve function and to move nutrients into cells while taking away waste. Avocados help to combat high blood pressure and they’re packed with monounsaturated fats. They are also high in fiber and folate, a B vitamin that is important for proper brain function and healthy pregnancies. Avocado is a superfood! Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Avocado’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Avocado Continue Reading →

How Much Carbs in Apple

Apple is good for your digestion having fiber and nutrients as is similar fruits. Consuming Apple every day as part of a healthy diet is good for weight loss but NOT on a keto diet as Apple is a bit high in carbs just like all sweeter fruits and cooked products. Berries are lower in carbs and sugar. Below you will find the calorie and nutrition data for your query ‘How Much Carbs in Apple’ plus other popular serving quantities. See Calories, Carbs, Fat. Protein and find sound advice on diets, including keto and low carb. Also check out our recipes and meal plans with Apple Continue Reading →