Home Remedies Stress

From our list of herbs and spices, the following are recommended for Stress:

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  • Catuaba
  • Celery Seed
  • Chamomile
  • Graviola
  • Hemp Oil
  • Hops
  • Kava Kava
  • Ladys Slipper
  • Lavender
  • Olive Leaf
  • Onion
  • Passion Flower
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • Rhodiola Root
  • Safflower
  • Scullcap
  • St Johns Wort
  • Valerian Root

Natural Cures and Remedies for Stress


As you can see, even office workers need not suffer and subject themselves to the risk of getting a nasty repetitive stress injury! With just these two types of very basic stretches, any office worker can avoid health problems down the road by way of these Yoga back pain exercises and stretches that are good for the body.

stress often presents as the overworked, com-pletely exhausted person who has been on the go (physically or emotionally) for a long time. At times, a chronically fatigued person will present with melancholy and depression. Treating with borage in such cases can give them a bit of spark. Soothes respiratory issues Borage contains mucilage, a wonderful ingredient to add to throat and cough syrups to soothe the respiratory tract. Overall, in small doses borage fortifies the entire respiratory system.

Catuaba, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Graviola, Hemp Oil, Hops, Kava Kava, Ladys Slipper, Lavender, Olive Leaf, Onion, Passion Flower, Peppermint Leaf, Rhodiola Root, Safflower, Scullcap, St Johns Wort, Valerian Root

Stress in its earlier and reversible stage leads to poor sleep, bad temper, continual grumbling, longer hours of work with less achievement, domestic conflict with spouse and children, repeated minor sickness, absenteeism and prolonged absence for each spell of sickness, accident proneness, feeling of frustration and persecution by colleagues and complaints of lack of cooperation and increase in alcoholic intake.

Because many of us have unconsciously developed a habit of relying on dysfunctional breathing patterns as strategies for dealing with stress, relaxing and allowing a normal breathing pattern can sometimes leave one feeling vulnerable in times of stress. If you find that this happens, then I suggest that you relax your muscles even more deeply. Allow an effortless, easy, relaxed normal breathing pattern to occur.

The patient should undertake plenty of outdoor exercise and eliminate all mental stress and worries. Prolonged neutral immersion baths at bed time on alternate days is beneficial. This bath is administered in a bath tub which should be properly fitted with hot and cold water connection.

Celery Seed
Hemp Oil
Kava Kava
Ladys Slipper
Olive Leaf
Passion Flower
Peppermint Leaf
Rhodiola Root
St Johns Wort
Valerian Root

Activities (Salad Burnet) – Analgesic ; Antibacterial ; Antiedemic ; Antiemetic ; Antipyretic ; Antiseptic ; Antistress ; Aperitif ; Astringent ; Climacteric ; Decongestant ; Diaphoretic ; Diuretic ; Hemostat ; Hypoglycemic ; Protease Inhibitor ; Stomachic ; Tineacide ; Tonic ; Vermifuge ; Vulnerary .

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