Keto Apricot Custard Recipe

Recipe Category: Custard


Keto Apricot Custard Recipe


  • 105 g low-sugar apricot preserves
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice
  • cup plus 2 teaspoons (17 g) Splenda, divided
  • 1 1/2 (360 ml) low-carb milk
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) heavy cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 pinch salt


  1. Whisk together the preserves, lemon juice, and 2 teaspoons (1 g) of the Splenda
  2. Spread over the bottom of a 6cup 1 4-L glass casserole dish you’ve sprayed with nonstick cooking spray
  3. Set aside
  4. Whisk together the low-carb, cream, eggs, remaining 2/3 cup (16 g) Splenda, almond extract, and salt
  5. Pour into the prepared casserole dish gently so as not to mix in the apricot preserves
  6. Place the casserole dish in a slow cooker
  7. Pour water around the casserole to within 1 inch 2 cm of the rim
  8. Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 4 hours
  9. When the times up, turn off the slow cooker, uncover it, and let it cool until you can remove the casserole dish without risk of scalding
  10. Chill well before serving

Makes 6 servings

  1. Each with 7 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 7 g usable carbs

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