From our list of ailments, see what Castor Oil can be used for:
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- Pain
Natural Remedies using Castor Oil

HH3; PH2); Hemorrhoid ; Hepatosis ; Induration ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Itch ; Malaria ; Mastosis ; Mucososis ; Mycosis ; Neuralgia ; Nipple ; Ophthalmia ; Rhinosis ; Sclerosis ; Scrofula ; Sore ; Sore Throat ; Splenosis ; Sting ; Stomatosis ; Swelling ; Tonsilosis ; Toothache ; Uterosis ; Wart ; Water Retention ; Wound ; Worm .
The Benefit of using Castor Oil as a natural cure
JLH); Cancer, liver ; Cancer, spleen ; Cancer, stomach ; Cancer, tongue ; Cancer, uterus ; Cholecystosis ; Diabetes ; Dropsy ; Dysmenorrhea ; Dyspepsia ; Fever (1; CAN; HHB; PHR;
Herbal research and regulation are hot topics, and, truth be told, I am not solid in my stance on these matters. But research may be helpful to
Another skin ailment, contact dermatitis, is an allergic reaction that produces a rash, sometimes with discomfort. It can result from a wide range of sources, including contact with harsh cleaning products, poison ivy, or another irritant. After the irritant is touched, inflammatory cells respond.
Solomon’s seal provides appropriate tension and moisture to the body with an a?nity for tendons and ligaments.