Bacopa Monnieri

From our list of ailments, see what Bacopa Monnieri can be used for:

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  • Alzheimers Disease
  • Depression Mild
  • Forgetfulness
  • Memory
  • Memory

Natural Remedies using Bacopa Monnieri


Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Sheep Sorrel) – Class 2d (AHP). Those with kidney stones should avoid this plant. Oxalates should be avoided by patients with endometriosis and nephrosis. Oxalic acid levels may attain 10-35% of dry matter in some species. The LDlo reported for humans is 700 mg/kg body weight. Weighing 110 kg, my LDlo would be 77,000 mg, or 77 g (more than 2 ounces of oxalic acid) (HOW). Polysaccharides show antitumor activity (ZUL).

Alzheimers Disease, Depression Mild, Forgetfulness, Memory, Memory

The Benefit of using Bacopa Monnieri as a natural cure

Alzheimers Disease
Depression Mild

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