From our list of ailments, see what Cassia can be used for:
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- Anuria
- Poor Circulation
Natural Remedies using Cassia

Another powerful influence tends to poison the flesh of slaughtered animals. As is well known, emotions of worry, fear and anger actually poison blood and tissues. Imagine the excitable condition of animals after many days of travel, closely packed in shaking vehicles – hungry, thirsty, scared enroute to the slaughter -houses. Many die even before the end of their journey.
Anuria, Poor Circulation
The Benefit of using Cassia as a natural cure
Disorders affecting circulation are very common. Mild problems such as chilblains can be easily treated at home, but potentially serious problems such as irregular heart beat require professional help.
Establish a sleep routine. Give your body cues that it is time to slow down and prepare for sleep, just as we do with babies.
Dosages (Red Clover) – 10-30 drops flower tincture (dried 1:5) 2-6 ×/day (AKT); 1-3 tsp dry flowers/cup water/up to 3 ×/day (APA; SKY); 4 g dry flowers, or in tea, 3 ×/day (CAN; PH2); 1.5-3 ml liquid flower extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 1-2 ml flower tincture (1:10
Breakfast Mini Chicken Patties,* fresh fruit, and sliced gluten-free bread toasted with almond butter.