From our list of ailments, see what Chickweed can be used for:
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- Obesity
Natural Remedies using Chickweed

Mice given 0.2-0.5 mg of the herb were found to develop severe photodynamic effects. Delayed hypersensitivity or photodermatosis has been documented for St John’s-wort, following the ingestion of a herbal tea made from the leaves (CAN). ESCOP recommends a limited daily intake of 1 mg total hypericin ( QRNM, 1997:292). Because of slight uterine activity in vitro, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided (CAN). No contraindications or drug-drug interactions reported (PIP). A recent Internet message cautions about the potential for serotonin syndrome.
The Benefit of using Chickweed as a natural cure
Severe stress may also produce ulcerative colitis. During any form of severe stress, outpouring of adrenal hormones causes such destruction of body protein that at times parts of the walls lining the intestines are literally eaten away. Such stress also depletes the body of pantothenic acid. Experiments on animals have shown that they can develop ulcerative colitis when they are kept on diets deficient in pantothenic acid.
Elecampane works well in combination with ground ivy, liquorice and thyme or elderflower (see the mix on page 107).
Broadly speaking, however, rheumatism, which may be acute or chronic, can be roughly grouped into two classes. These are muscular rheumatism which affects the muscles and articular rheumatism which affects the joints. The muscular variety is, however, far less common than that affecting the joints. In the acute form, it is often found among children and young people, but in the chronic form, it is generally confined to adults.
At present, there is no medical or laboratory test that definitely reveals the presence of PMS. It is essential to keep a daily calendar to record the symptoms you experience. If you find that symptoms recur about 7 to 14 days before your period and you have a symptom-free phase after menstruation, then you are probably experiencing PMS. Seek medical help for further evaluation and treatment if these symptoms are severe or debilitating.