From our list of ailments, see what Flax can be used for:
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- Joint Pain
Natural Remedies using Flax

Dosages (Oregano) – 1-2 tsp dry leaf/cup water to 3 ×/day (APA); 2-3 tsp (4-6 g) leaf in tea/day (MAD); 1 tsp herb/250 ml water (PHR); foot bath for amenorrhea (MAD).
Joint Pain
The Benefit of using Flax as a natural cure
Leucorrhoea may also result from a chill. A chill causes inflammation of the womb and vaginal membranes. Other common causes are the displacement of the womb and unhygienic conditions which attract bacteria to the geniral organs.
When there is abundant vitality, excess acids are ejected almost before they reach any appreciable concentration in one or the other of the acute cleansing efforts such as colds and fevers. When the vitality is low, the acid wastes are concentrated around the joints and bony structure, where they form the basis of rheumatism. The reason why large quantities of acid wastes piling up in the system are attracted towards body structure for storage is that lime, which is the most prominent constituent of the bony structure, is an alkaline substance. In certain cases, infection from the teeth, tonsils and gall bladder may produce rheuamtism. The disease is aggravated by exposure to cold water.
Most kidney stones are composed either of calcium oxalate or phosphate, the latter being most common in the presence of infection. About 90 per cent of all stones contain calcium as the chief constituent. More than half of these are mixtures of calcium , ammonia, and magnesium, phosphates and carbonates, while the remainder contain oxalate. Uric acid and cystine stones represent about four percent and one per cent respectively of the total incidence of stones.
Passive aggression . Passive-aggressive anger is repressed by internalizing it and denying that it exists. Internalization of anger may lead to both physical and psychological disorders if it is too frequently used..