From our list of ailments, see what Ginko Biloba can be used for:
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- Antioxidant
- Brain
- Cardiovascular
- Circulation
- Colitis
- Eye Issues
- Fatigue
- Memory
- Pms
- Respiratory
- Ringing in the ears
- Strokes
Natural Remedies using Ginko Biloba

dosages are hard to determine because of the limited amount of research on these antioxidants and Alzheimer’s disease. Extracts of the herb Ginkgo biloba also might be beneficial, though the research has been con-flicting. Ginkgo serves as both an antioxidant and as a dilator of blood vessels in the brain, improving blood circulation to neurons.
Antioxidant, Brain, Cardiovascular, Circulation, Colitis, Eye Issues, Fatigue, Memory, Pms, Respiratory, Ringing in the ears, Strokes
The Benefit of using Ginko Biloba as a natural cure
Other antioxidants also may offer protection against H. pylori infections and their consequential damage to the stomach. Among these are the herb Ginkgo biloba and garlic. Lycopene, a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red color, has been associated with a relatively low risk of stomach cancer, though this association does not directly prove prevention. In addition, animal experiments suggest that food allergies also might irritate the stomach and lead to gastritis and ulcers.
Because Susan had large numbers of activated blood platelet cells, Kunin also recommended that she take supplements of the herb Ginkgo biloba, which inhibits platelet activity. Among the other supplements were B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, and the amino acid arginine.
Take ginkgo tincture during the winter months (for precautions see page 36). Adults: 1-1.3ml diluted with some water, 2-3 times a day, tincture strength 2:1.
Eye Issues
Ringing in the ears