From our list of ailments, see what Lavender can be used for:
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- Anxiety
- Anxiety and Stress
- Calming
- Gas Flatulence
- Heart
- Nervous Conditions
- Restlessness
- Stress
- Tension
Natural Remedies using Lavender

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Roselle) – Class 1 (AHP). No risks known (KOM). Commission E list it as unapproved (KOM). “Hazards and/or side effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). May reduce the efficacy of chloroquine as a malaria preventive (APA). If HHB is correct, this plant may be the best source of hydroxycitric acids.
Anxiety, Anxiety and Stress, Calming, Gas Flatulence, Heart, Nervous Conditions, Restlessness, Stress, Tension
The Benefit of using Lavender as a natural cure
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Gardenia) – Class 1 (AHP). Not covered (KOM; PH2).
Let’s try to forget weight, weight charts, and BMI; instead, let’s look for a lack of fitness. If you appear to be a mass of fat; if you find yourself weak, easily exhausted, and short of breath when you walk any distance on flat terrain, much less uphill; if you find that your skin hangs heavily away from the muscle that should be beneath it, you are probably obese or well on the way to it.
tochezia ; Hemoptysis ; Hepatosis ; Hiccup ; Impotence ; Induration ; Infection ; Inflammation ; Leprosy ; Leukemia ; Leukoderma ; Mastosis ; Mycosis ; Ophthalmia ; Orchosis ; Pain ; Palpitation ; Parotosis ; Puerperium ; Rheumatism ; Scabies ; Sclerosis ; Scorpion Sting ; Snakebite ; Sore ; Spasm ; Splenosis ; Splenomegaly ; Stomachache ; Stone ; Stye ; Syncope ; Swelling ; Tachycardia ; Tuberculosis ; Tumor ; Ulcer ; Uterosis ; VD ; Wart ; Water Retention ; Whitlow ; Worm .
Anxiety and Stress
Gas Flatulence
Nervous Conditions
Tincture dosages can vary, but with most herbal tinctures, the traditional dosage amounts are fine. You might consider starting with less, however, if tinctures contain more potent or stimulating herbs with specific actions.