Pranamasana is a centering asana often used as a routine part of Surya Namaskar or as a transitional pose. Pranamasana is called Prayer Pose in English. this pose has a tranquil, centering effect on the mind and body, and is used to focus and deepen the breath. The gesture of hands at heart’s center with palms pressed together is a common greeting in Eastern cultures.
Sanskrit: Pranamasana
Type: Standing
Level: Beginner
- Stand straight on the yoga mat, keep your feet together and your hands by your sides.
- Now bring both your hands in front of your chest and join your arms together.
- Keep your shoulders relaxed and elbows to the side of the rib cage.
- Stop thinking about everything for that moment.
- Now close your eyes and feel the peace.
Calories Burned in 15 minutes

Weight 100lb:68
Weight 120lb:81
Weight 125lb:85
Weight 150lb:102
Weight 175lb:119
Weight 200lb:136
Weight 250lb:170
Weight 300lb:204
Calories Burned in 40 minutes

Weight 100lb:181
Weight 120lb:217
Weight 125lb:226
Weight 150lb:271
Weight 175lb:317
Weight 200lb:362
Weight 250lb:452
Weight 300lb:543
Calories Burned in 45 minutes

Weight 100lb:204
Weight 120lb:244
Weight 125lb:255
Weight 150lb:305
Weight 175lb:356
Weight 200lb:407
Weight 250lb:509
Weight 300lb:611
Calories Burned in 1 hour 15 mins

Weight 100lb:339
Weight 120lb:407
Weight 125lb:424
Weight 150lb:509
Weight 175lb:594
Weight 200lb:679
Weight 250lb:848
Weight 300lb:1018
Calories Burned in 1 hour 30 mins

Weight 100lb:407
Weight 120lb:489
Weight 125lb:509
Weight 150lb:611
Weight 175lb:713
Weight 200lb:814
Weight 250lb:1018
Weight 300lb:1222
Calories Burned in 2 hours

Weight 100lb:543
Weight 120lb:652
Weight 125lb:679
Weight 150lb:814
Weight 175lb:950
Weight 200lb:1086
Weight 250lb:1357
Weight 300lb:1629