Yoga Seated Mountain Pose

The Seated Mountain Pose, Parvatasana, is often confused with Tadasana, the standing mountain. Parvatasana is a great yoga asana but it’s not as easy as it first appears. Practicing this yoga asana regularly every morning gives a good massage to our hands, back, spine and the whole body. If your routine includes lengthy Mountain Poses and you have difficulty, drop into the seated version.


Sanskrit: Parvatasana
Type: Seated
Level: Beginner

  • This is the seated mountain pose. Sit comfortably in padmasana.
  • Make sure your back is erect and relaxed and your neck is long and not stiff.
  • Raise your hands above your head and interlock your fingers and turn your palms towards the sky.
  • Press upwards through your hands so that you are stretching through your upper body, shoulder blades and floating ribs. Breathe evenly here as you hold the pose for about thirty seconds. Then slowly come out of the pose by unlinking your hands and bringing them back down.
  • Breathe evenly here as you hold the pose for about thirty seconds.
  • Slowly come out of the pose by unlinking your hands and bringing them back down.

Calories Burned in 15 minutes

  • Weight 100lb:46
  • Weight 120lb:56
  • Weight 125lb:58
  • Weight 150lb:70
  • Weight 175lb:81
  • Weight 200lb:93
  • Weight 250lb:116
  • Weight 300lb:139

  • Calories Burned in 40 minutes

  • Weight 100lb:124
  • Weight 120lb:149
  • Weight 125lb:155
  • Weight 150lb:186
  • Weight 175lb:217
  • Weight 200lb:248
  • Weight 250lb:310
  • Weight 300lb:371

  • Calories Burned in 45 minutes

  • Weight 100lb:139
  • Weight 120lb:167
  • Weight 125lb:174
  • Weight 150lb:209
  • Weight 175lb:244
  • Weight 200lb:279
  • Weight 250lb:348
  • Weight 300lb:418

  • Calories Burned in 1 hour 15 mins

  • Weight 100lb:232
  • Weight 120lb:279
  • Weight 125lb:290
  • Weight 150lb:348
  • Weight 175lb:406
  • Weight 200lb:464
  • Weight 250lb:580
  • Weight 300lb:697

  • Calories Burned in 1 hour 30 mins

  • Weight 100lb:279
  • Weight 120lb:334
  • Weight 125lb:348
  • Weight 150lb:418
  • Weight 175lb:488
  • Weight 200lb:557
  • Weight 250lb:697
  • Weight 300lb:836

  • Calories Burned in 2 hours

  • Weight 100lb:371
  • Weight 120lb:446
  • Weight 125lb:464
  • Weight 150lb:557
  • Weight 175lb:650
  • Weight 200lb:743
  • Weight 250lb:929
  • Weight 300lb:1114

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