Green Pea Poulourie Indian Recipe

Recipe Category: Snack


Green Pea Poulourie Indian Recipe


  • 1 bag (14 oz)of dried green or yellow split peas.
  • 3 cloves of garlic peeled and crushed 1tbsp curry powder
  • 1 de-seeded and chopped Serrano pepper ( If you can’t get Serrano you could use Jalapeno but these are not as hot)
  • 1tbs baking powder
  • ½ cup all purpose plain flour
  • a couple of pinches of salt to taste Oil for frying


  1. Sift through the peas to remove any impurities and soak the for at least 3 hours or until they are soft enough to be broken with a fingernail
  2. Once they are soft drain and add the garlic, curry powder, pepper and salt and blend until smooth adding water as necessary
  3. Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl and stir in the pea puree and stir in until you have a stiff batter
  4. Add additional flour if your mixture is not stiff enough
  5. Heat oil in a deep heavy pan or fat fryer to 375°F (190°C)
  6. Take a teaspoonful of the batter and drop into the oil and cook
  7. When the float and the bottoms turn brown turn over to cook the other side
  8. This will take about 2 minutes
  9. It is best to cook no more than 10 at a time to ensure the oil retains its temperature and you are in control of the cooking
  10. Drain the balls and put on kitchen paper to absorb excess oil
  11. If necessary sprinkle a little salt to serve

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