Tapioca Pudding

From our Popular Recipe results for Tapioca Pudding


Tapioca Slow Cooker

Tapioca Slow Cooker


  • 250 g cubed French bread
  • 9 L skim milk
  • 1¼ cups (250 g) sugar
  • 1 cup (125 g) tapioca
  • 1 cup (120 ml) egg substitute
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  1. Combine milk and sugar in slow cooker, stirring until sugar is dissolved as well as possible
  2. Stir in tapioca
  3. Cover and cook on high 3 hours
  4. In a small mixing bowl, beat egg substitute slightly
  5. Beat in vanilla and about 1 cup (235 ml) hot milk from slow cooker
  6. When well mixed, stir egg mixture into slow cooker
  7. Cover and cook on high 20 more minutes
  8. Chill for several hours
  9. Serve with whipped topping if you wish
  10. Yield: 10 servings
  11. Per serving: 199 g water; 255 calories (5% from fat, 17% from protein, 78% from carb)

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