Ghee Slow Cooker Recipe

Recipe Category: Slow-Cooker


Ghee Slow Cooker Recipe


Makes 2 cups

Active Time 5 minutes

Total Time 35 minutes

  • 1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter


  1. Place the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-low heat
  2. Set a timer for 20 minutes and LEAVE IT ALONE! Don’t stir the butter or mess with it in any way
  3. Just let it be
  4. During this time, the water from the butter will evaporate
  5. You’ll see a light foam forming on top
  6. It will sound like popcorn popping-but much softer
  7. At the 20-minute mark, stir the butter and raise the heat to medium-high
  8. Cook, stirring occasionally, until you see the milk solids start turning brown and settling on the bottom of the pan
  9. If you give up before this stage you are either a a quitter, or b trying to make clarified butter, not ghee
  10. Let the mixture cool a little, then strain the clear yellow liquid through a fine-mesh strainer into a jar, and you’re done
  11. Discard the browned milk solids
  12. Seal the jar tightly with the lid
  13. You can store the ghee on your countertop almost indefinitely, as long as you keep it sealed and use a clean spoon each time you dig into it

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